2002-10-19 6:56 p.m.

Finally! D-land loves me again! I've been trying to post a new entry all week, but keep getting shut out of the database. Grumble.

Had an interesting week. Fed the grand-Bear on Monday;big fun. (Pun intended.) Went to the dentist on Tuesday (no fun) and a teacher's professional organization executive board meeting (the dentist was more fun). Made a football player cry on Wednesday (hey, he was obnoxious for my sub on Tuesday). Taught the kids about meter and scansion on Thursday.(Excellent fun!) Had dinner out with the Bear last night, scandalizing the entire sushi bar with our noisy conversation, and making chirashi-zushi a best seller at Daikichi.(More fun than I should be allowed to have.) Today, went shopping with the goddaughter, who is a very serious little person. Now I'm off to walk the world's largest chihuahua at Colin-G/Bookgirl World. Life is good, and I am busy, busy, busy!

Hey, Hun-E-B and Blueduke, when are you guys going to get yourselves some guestbooks? When this sniper crap started, I was worried sick about you. I wish I could have dropped you a note. I'm glad you're okay. All of y'all up north,keep low, zigzag, and put on your Kevlar undies.

Song on the Headbone:Children of the Sun.It was playing at Golden Corral. Now it's in my head. Ouch.

Book: The Book of the Lion, Michael Cadnum. Kid goes to Acre during Crusades.Very detailed and compelling.

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