2002-09-03 9:01 p.m.

Oh, my effin' feet.

Today was the first day of skewl. Yes, that is how my kids spell it: skewl. I think it's a kewl spelling, myself.

I wore my usual uptight-real-estate-agent navy blue dress and heels. (I still don't know why I wore heels.) Yes, this getup is a disguise, heh heh. Maybe I am a sort of ninja, after all.

My darlings are mostly sweet.Lots of kids whose big siblings were in my class previously--one fifteen years ago! That dude wasn't born yet when I taught his sister. Gads, I'm old!

Saw lots of cool Spidey shirts, one pair of Dragon Ball Z boxers (had a talk with that boy about BELTS), and one pair of enormous parachute pants on a cute little fashion-forward girl. I love 8th grade style.

Best part of the day: discussing comics with a boy who looked at me like I'd grown another head when I told him I liked New X-Men better than Ultimate, but that Ultimate Spidey is the bomb. I think he's going to like my class.

Only a few of this batch need attitude adjustments. One Eddie Haskell type is steering for a Hallway Talk with Mrs. Educait real soon, like tomorrow. I'm not paid enough to put up with his bored-cool-kid crap for more than one day.

On the headbone: Whip It! Devo

Current reading: The Authority, Vol. 1. I'm hoping that Blackbear can explain to me why, exactly, he thinks I'm like Jenny Sparks...apart from the righteous bitchiness aspect....

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