Heroes in my Living Room
2002-08-31 10:03 p.m.

As I write this, Blackbear, the Samurai, and Vlad are playing hero clix on my floor. Nothing like a room full of man-boys to keep me giggling.

So, following B'bear's example:

1. I hurt:when my students are cruel to each other

2. I love:the Minivan Samurai

3. I hate:cigarettes

4. I cry:when people snap at me

5. I fear:being alone when I'm old

6. I hope:for health

7. I sadden:my supervisor

8. I feel alone:when it's dark

9. I kill:fleas

10. I talk:constantly, to keep from thinking too much

11. I listen:to lots of music

12. I break:stuff I'm not supposed to touch

13. I see:very poorly

14. I smell:acutely

15. I taste:sour things

16. I work:all the time

17. I remember:everything

18. I hold:babies

19. I hide:my sorrow

20. I do:more than I should

21. I walk:quickly

22. I drive:very fast

23. I read:too much

24. I burn:everything I put in my toaster

25. I breathe:with difficulty

26. I play:with children

27. I miss:my dog

28. I touch:my world

29. I learn:easily

30. I feel:old

31. I know:nothing yet

32. I said:too much

33. I dream:vividly and bizarrely

34. I have:all I need

35. I want:love

36. I fall:asleep easily

37. I wait:badly (I fidget!)

38. I need:love

39. I live:for others

Lame answers, perhaps, but mine nonetheless.

As for my peanut butter sammidge, I prefer extra crunchy on lightly toasted whole wheat with honey and raisins.

Time to go check on the boys!

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