BoD Meeting
2002-07-22 12:54 a.m.

So, yesterday at 5AM I find myself tooling down the road with Rosine riding shotgun, chattering away, and the Samurai snoring on the back seat. Watching the bats swooping around just before dawn, I asked myself,"Self, what the eff are you doing?"

I was awake and driving to a BoD meeting. Now, I've never been to a BoD meeting, so I had the popular image of the BoD--snooty holier-than-thou goobs who don't care about the hoi polloi-in my head. I should have known better, given that my beloved big sis Keilyn and beloved role model Mel are both on the BoD. Stupid EduCait!

We got to the site after a quick tour of Dulles ("See the ugly airport?") and settled in, fully prepared to be bored.

The BoD was smack in the middle of a spirited discussion about membership fees. It was one of the most entertaining spectacles I've ever seen. I was immediately impressed with the obvious intelligence and competence of all the folks behind the table. What sank in more slowly was how much they truly cared about the SCA, and how hard they were trying to do what was right for the folks in the SCA. They stopped to explain things whenever the audience looked confused, and were very patient with questions from onlookers.

I was also very embarassed that there weren't more people there. It's rare for Atlantians to get to see the BoD in action, and I wish more folks had taken advantage of the opportunity. Only one of the Atlantian Board nominees came, which surprised me.

We got to enjoy lunch and dinner with friends we hadn't seen for ages, and I finally got to meet Karen, whose work I deeply admire. Rosine was very patient with my cattiness, and we made it home safely, despite exhaustion.

Boy, did I get educaited!

On the Headbone: Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, the Black Crowes

Book du jour: The Feminine Warrior, Al Marrewa--not for ninjas, but for self-defense.

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