Bad Kids
2002-05-05 9:40 p.m.

This has been a loooong week.

Every year, our Student Activities Coordinator plans a field trip for the eighth graders to Busch Gardens, usually some time in May. Only 150 kids get to go (out of 500 8th graders), and they can't get suspended before the trip, or they stay home. Ordinarily, this means that the kids are angelic for an entire month beforehand, which makes life much easier as we prep for SOL tests.

This year, our SAC decided that every kid who bought a ticket could go to Busch Gardens.

He sold 450 tickets.

He did this because this year's bunch of 8th graders is, in fact, extraordinarily well-behaved. The problem is that they don't quite know how to react when they are all overexcited about something. When you're always good, and never have to curb your impulses, it's hard to know what to do when you suddenly WANT to be inattentive, fidgety, mouthy, and obnoxious.

My kids were HORRIBLE this week. I've been hauling them down for dress code violations ("But I'm wearing this tube top to Busch Gardens! I want my friends to tell me if it looks good!"), fights ("He sez he gonna be mackin' on my girlf at Busch Gardens!"), and general sass ("Why do we hafta have a test three days before Busch Gardens?") Not even watching the film version of The Outsiders (a true classic in the teen angst genre) could get them settled.

Yesterday, they went to BG. It was cold. It rained. I'm dreading tomorrow.

I am fortified, however, by my great weekend. Yesterday was a little mostly-Diarylander day with Colin-G, the Bookgirl, Blackbear, Thjora, me, Frank the Lurker, Corby, and the Mighty Zack.Beeeg fun! The only weirdness is the knowledge that you'll probably see everything you said to your friends in print within 24 hours. As a courtesy to Colin, I'm not going to tell you all the stuff he said. I'll let him do it!

Book du Jour: The Rainbow Fish by Marc Pfister--learn to share!

Song of the moment: Know Your Rights by the Clash

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