Happy now!
2002-03-04 11:18 p.m.

Okay, no more ranting.

Went to KASF this weekend.Got to stay in a truly terrible motel with Kiri and Ysabel, my new sister. She's very, very cool. My Peer picks good sibs for me. By Saturday morning, we had a little silent Kiri dance going on, involving the location of our Peer's van keys, glasses, water bottle, key card...you name it. We make an excellent team.(You missed some fun, Keilyn! We were really hoping you'd be there!)

The event was frustrating in some ways. I expected lots more stuff, I guess. I was surprised by lack of documentation or lax documentation on items I'd have had an easy time documenting. I really, really regretted not having time (see the SOL rant) to get stuff ready to display, myself.Paradoxically, space seemed somewhat limited, given that we walked enough that I felt like I was lost in a theme park.

On a very bright note,the kids' triathlon displays were magnificent, as were the three young ladies in question.

The highlights of my day were the lovely conversation with Deirdre at lunch, and Duchess Caterina's impromptu houppelande class in the hallway. Fun!

Only saw Gen and Mel briefly, as they swooped around in QPM's wake.

Sunday was spent raiding Foods of All Nations with Rosine and Felicia, eating Cadbury yummies, and allowing my cold/flu thingy to develop further. Don't worry, my doctor effectively nuked the Petri dish in my head today (the little germies are screaming," Zithromax! Nooo!") and I have nice happy-Caitie cough syrup to take.

Today's song: Microorganism, can't remember the artiste, but it's on the Headbone Radio.

Book pick: Sir MacHinery, Tom McGowen: delightful kids' book about a robo-knight

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