Men Can Be Such Wussies
2002-02-26 10:38 p.m.

Today I was forcefully reminded of some differences between Men and Women.

My hubby is a comparatively tough dude. Yes, he's an English teacher,but he's not the pencil-necked tea-drinking pink-shirt-wearing kind. NosirreeBob. He teaches at an alternative school; his kids are baaad. He's a martial artist. He's solid as a rock. (Go ahead,hit him...don't say I didn't warn you.) He doesn't suffer fools gladly. He wears lots of dark, manly colors. He's a hardass.

Me, I'm (as has already been established) a smallish brown-haired lady. I teach eighth graders, which means I have to combine motherliness with bitchiness. I wipe tears. I am a sucker for puppies. I cry while watching sentimental TV, and when I see bunny roadkill. I'm a fairly squishy sort of person.

When this all changes is when things get disgusting. If a nephew soils a diaper with gusto, Frank turns pale and flees. I roll up my sleeves and fix it. Same goes for doggie accidents, barf of any variety, assorted miscellaneous body fluids, raw meat and seafood...anything remotely gross, and my hardass hubby turns to a shrinking violet. I, on the other hand, cope. I'm female. I'm trained to handle the little nastinesses that accompany living.

Picking blackberries with Frank is like an outing with a four-year-old girl. "Ew! Spiders! Ow! These things bite! Gross! Bird poop! Can't we go home yet?"

All this while I'm calmly filling my bucket, occasionally popping a succulent berry into my mouth-after checking for spiders and birdy poopy, of course.

Today's song: Why Does the Sun Shine? by They Might Be Giants (both versions, thank you)

Book du jour:A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. A must-read classic!

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