Hippo Gnu Deer Two Ewes!
2002-01-01 8:32 p.m.

Happy New Year, all!

Here's the plan for Susie's New Year. Any objections should be noted with the Front Office. (That would be Frank.)

1. More dancing, less trudging

2. More singing, less babbling

3. More chocolate, just more chocolate

4. More traveling, less exhaustion

5. Mindfulness, appreciation, and gratitude

6. More time with friends and family, less time spent on school

I keep promising myself all of these things; maybe this year I'll follow through.I'm amazed that I'm still here, and I sure don't want to mess up!(There's a story there, but this isn't the time for it.) I am wound waaaay too tightly, and I tend to try to do too much. The trick is to find the balance between chillin' and thrillin'.

Today's book rec: Sabriel by Garth Nix. Highly original and affecting fantasy. The sequel, Lirael, is excellent, too.

Today's HBR selection: Happy Phantom by Tori Amos. Hail to the flame-haired Siren of Sarcasm!

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