Welcome to Air Sucker
2006-09-10 5:59 p.m.

This has been an interesting week. The kids at school have been awesome, but the other adults in my life are acting like little kids. (Not all of them, just the ones I see every day.) I am no longer willing to do crap jobs that no one else will do. I will not listen to directions and criticism from those unwilling to do whatever nasty thing I'm working on. And if you have time to sit around, you can get your own doggone (fill in blank with needed item).

A bad attitude already, and it's not even the second week of school!

Yesterday was lovely, though. Got to take Thor to the vet for a really bad rash--turns out he has allergies. Got him some antihistamines (sleepy Thor) and ear cream (which I must "instil" twice daily on squirmy Thor) and medicated shampoo.

Do you know that if you try to leave medicated soap on a baby mastiff that things will go from "bath" to "game" very rapidly? Good thing he tires quickly. He thrilled his dad by catching a Frisbee today. I am picturing my massive pup doing Frisbee snags at the park and giving the border collies a complex.

We also celebrated nephew Alex's birthday, a bit early. Got to see his Meemaw's "new" house, a three-story Victorian gingerbread behemoth with eleven thousand rooms. It is huge, and lovely. I couldn't take it. I'd have to go adopt fourteen orphans or something. It's cavernous.

Today, we taught our first Sunday school class, to a passel of three-year-olds. Very funny. Four grownups, nine kids. The Samurai is our enforcer. He has a mysterious ability to persuade recalcitrant toddlers to cooperate, without any apparent coercion. He's amazing.

I also mowed our Ernesto-inspired lawn. It was about time. The mosquitos had graded the runway and were busy building the terminal for their new regional airline. They will have to move on.

Must go bring Casey in from his sunny spot on the lawn. He needed a break from Thor, who loves him a bit too much.

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