Ernie is Yucky
2006-09-01 7:56 a.m.

Last night was Open House and Orientation night at school, and we had a HUGE turnout, despite steady rain. We spent all day preparing for it, tabling all of our "first day of school" stuff to do on Friday.

I had heard the weather forecast, with possible rain and high wind from Ernesto, so I had already brought my ficus tree indoors and put the lawn furniture in the garage.

This morning at 5:30 I awakened to the sound of sideways rain. I bravely put on my rain jacket and took Casey out to wee, but Thor refused to go out in the squish. I don't blame him--the back yard has several inches of standing water.

After wringing myself out, feeding doggies, and making tea, I discovered that the chimney was leaking! There's a bucket there now. I don't know who to call about a woodstove chimney. (Any ideas, gentle readers?)

Turns out we're on a two hour delay today, with possible school closure. Make-up teacher workday will most likely be tomorrow. We still aren't ready for Tuesday, when the kids return, and ALL of my teacher stuff is at school.

This stuff is headed towards Maryland by tomorrow morning--y'all stay dry!

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