Feeling Profane
2006-05-17 5:47 p.m.

I'm going to try to write about today without being profane. I said TRY. No guarantees.

This year, my colleagues and I have noted the Rise of the Teen Emperors (and Empresses)--students who feel entitled to have everything their way, without any interference from their Moron Teachers, who can't tell them what to do, anyhow. These deluded children are frequently supported in their confusion by their Spineless Parents, who expend reams of time, energy, and cash on their Rulers. I am not exaggerating even slightly, I promise.

One of these Empresses is in my class this year. She's potentially a great kid, as long as she thinks she's getting her way. When she isn't, she launches into loud tirades and general disruption, while treating us to her views on Why She Doesn't Have to Respect Us.

Of course, every time she does this, she gets suspended, but that doesn't get through to her. Sooner or later, she does it again. We've tried all the means of intervention at our disposal, to no avail. Today, she went batcrap over our choice of music (Vivaldi) during a test. We'd put the CD on at the request of most of our kids, who have noticed that they focus better and get better grades when we play very soft classical music to help block out annoying noises like pencil-tapping. This practice, like everything we do, is both supported by research and sanctioned by the administration.

She tried to tell me that I had to play what she wanted me to play. I smiled at her, and said she was mistaken. I got treated to a rerun of the No Respect speech. I wrote her up, and called her mom, as I am supposed to do.

Her mom treated me to another thirty minutes about how I persecute her daughter for being a Christian (because I won't let her take the Lord's name in vain in class--Mom says she's "calling on the Lord for salvation from me"), how I enforce the dress code only because I'm jealous that I can't wear clothes like her daughter's and look as good (although I also enforce the dress code for other girls AND boys--it's my job), how I pick on her kid and I'm basically evil. I pointed out to her that I don't have the time or inclination to pick on anyone. I have plenty of things I'd rather do with my time. I have other students to consider, as well, and I can't let her daughter disrupt their learning. I also reminded her that she doesn't know me, or she'd know that I'm a Christian, too (hence the whole knowing-my-commandments thing), and I actually like her daughter. She's assured me she'll be praying for my wicked, hateful soul.

She came in and spoke to the principal in charge of the Empress' punishment, and she'll be back in later for a conference involving me. She will need to do some mighty slick apologizing before I'll allow her kid back into my room. I don't care if all of her English instruction has to happen in the suspension room for the rest of the year. I will not endure disrespect and defamation of character, especially after all I've done to try to help this kid. She's wasted enough of my time.

Am I wrong in fearing that the Empress will end up in much worse trouble down the line?

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