Blue Gel and Green Cloud
2006-03-24 10:45 p.m.

Took my pet to the vet. He's lost weight--poor old guy. He seems fine to the vet, though, and even frisked a bit, trying to get her to open the door so he could get outta there. He's not fond of anyplace where nice ladies stick things in his butt.

Seems Casey is mostly rid of whatever nasties he picked up. He's on antibiotics and lots of plain rice. Oddly enough, he eats plain white sticky rice with great relish. Must be an Akita thing.

I will be very grateful when he's done having gas, though. He drove me out of the living room with his horrific flatus. There's a noxious green cloud surrounding the poor dog. (Are my descriptions getting overly detailed here? Sorry!)

I also took myself in for a peripheral vascular study today. This means I got an ultrasound of the blood flow in both legs, groin to toe. I also got covered in warm blue gel in the process. I really wanted to leave it on and shamble down the hall, trailing my sheet, babbling about escaping from an alien pod, but I figured that would get me stuck up in the psych ward, so I didn't.

Yes, I'm weird. Deal with it.

Still no closer to figuring out why my neurons are so screwed up, but neuro-doc confirms no stroke this time. He did say my left side is much weaker and less controlled than my right, and he's still concerned. I have to stay on coumadin and have the rest of the diagnostic tests they've scheduled. He thinks maybe my heart isn't the only place my blood clots come from, and that coumadin will be necessary long term. Still, I'm glad I'm not in imminent danger of having more strokes.

Gotta go watch Doctor Who!

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