2006-02-13 4:25 p.m.

I just want one BORING day. I am sick unto loonitude of INTERESTING ones.

Today's interesting interlude began with a kiddo asking me if I could please help her find her paper on her floppy disk. It's an old one her mom gave her, and she's not sure which file is her paper.

We didn't find her paper, but we did find copies of her dad's porn pictures. Apparently he likes shots of, um, magnanimously proportioned masculine procreative appendages. (No, I'm not that prurient. You'll find out why I had to look at them in a minute.)

The poor wee girl was horrified, and I asked her if I could hang on to her disk. I gave her a new, blank one for her very own, and I emailed her mom to let her know that she really needed to come pick up the other one. I consulted with one of the assistant principals, who told me to check to be sure none of the porn involved kids (it didn't--ick!). I signed the disk into the office's Confiscated Items log, and now we wait to hear from La Momma.

For the record, I have a real problem with porn, especially the grody Internet variety. I know you guys like to look, but there are just too many pitfalls to objectifying women that way. We are much more fun (when we're real, that is) in the sack if you treat us like human beings.

I shudder to think about what's on this kid's home computer. I understand her poor self esteem and twisted body image a lot better now, though.

I really, really long for the days when the weirdest thing I heard was "my dog ate my homework."

Tomorrow, we get to have a meeting in the morning and shout at each other. (Not me and Cher, the other inclusion teachers.) I'm making Advil Clusters tonight.

Oh, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day in a middle school. I better get more Kleenex tonight at the grocery store.

I love my job...I love my job...I love my joooobbbbb....Thbpppt!

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