Dead treeeeee!
2005-05-01 11:53 p.m.

Here's the latest on the Evil Tree Monster Slay-a-thon: the Shrubbery of Doom is no more! It is deceased! It is an EX-shrubbery!

It took me (still mostly sick), the Samurai, neighbor Don and his wife Susie, and three loppers (various sizes), a bow saw, a machete, a hatchet, and a chainsaw, but that tired ole bush is gone. Susie and I were the loppers and branch-toters, and Don and the Samurai did most of the actual destruction. Casey supervised from the deck, and barked any time he couldn't see me. (It's how he "finds" me--when I holler at him to quit barking, he knows where I am, and calms down.) We only had one tense moment, as a major branch toppled the wrong way into neighbor Amy's yard, but Don got a rope on it and hauled it our way. The tree carnage will fill Don's trailer several times over, so I might be calling our Fair Coastal City's yard waste elves for help. We can pile all of the Evil Tree's limbs out front, then.

As the piece de resistance, I soaked the stumps with Roundup. I hate using chemicals, but I don't want to see this bastich again! I've got to find a good, cheap stump grinder to come take care of that corner for me, then find a nice evergreen shrub to stick back there, come fall. In the meantime, it's topsoil, ajuga, and mulch around the shed.

Susie also gave me some seriously huge violets, some periwinkle, and a mother-in-law plant. I promised her some toad lilies next spring, when I divide my clump.

A pleasant surprise: I have four vigorous hostas next to the garage. I'm going to plop my iris bulbs in with them, mulch the lot, and call it a flower bed.

I still have to get the clematis in next to the mailbox. Next Friday, I might let myself pop out to my favorite garden center for ajuga, veronica, and some other goodies. Maybe creeping thyme under the deck, after I clean out all the old crappus in there. That way, when Casey dens up underneath, he'll come out smelling nice. Right now, he ends up with pine needles all over his draggly ass. He needs his annual haircut soon!

Once the yard is in shape, we can think about June, and school letting out, and finding Casey a puppy. Yes, our dog is going to have a dog of his own. He sure won't share me, so I figure this pup will be Casey's responsibility.

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