Balance and Harmony
2005-04-17 9:45 p.m.

Someone looked down on me this week and said, "EduCait needs more work to do." My desk was groanin'. Grades in Monday, taxes due Friday, summer fellowship application due soonest, grad school registration due ASAP, recertification stuff needed now, forensics team stuff and practice, you name it. Whoa.

Someone also decided, "EduCait has been a good little worker bee this week. Let's reward her."

*the taxes weren't bad. A little goes to the Feds, a bit more comes back from the state gub'mint. Balance is achieved, the universe is in harmony, and the witholding is just fine as is, for now.

*grades are decent. Only two conferences forthcoming, for kiddos who could still fail, if they try hard. You can do a lot in 44 days.

*the new windows are on the hoose, and they are amazing. Quiet, lovely, smooth, and glassy. Ah, yes, the glossy glassiness.

*got the response to my summer fellowship application--faxed Friday--in the mail YESTERDAY. Wow! I got in! I'm a summer writing fellow at That University Near Here That Used to Be Part of A Much Older University West of Here. I'll get prestige, a stipend, and grad credit hours, and I'll be writing every day. Apart from this diary, I don't get many chances to write. I am totally stoked.

*walked into Pier One yesterday, and looked wistfully at the lovely entertainment centers that I often admire, expecting to see the usual hefty pricetags. A especially roomy wicker-over-wood number, a cool $700 the last time I looked, was a mere $195. I bought it, had a hefty lad help me stuff it in the Space Van, and I zoomed home feeling like the Grinch heading up Mt. Crumpet. Wow! The Samurai and I got it into the Hoose, and it looks great. In another month or so, the Samurai might get motivated to actually move the TV into its new home. If I starve him, he'll get the idea. Maybe he'll get olive loaf on white bread (Southern cuisine's finest hour) until the job is done.

Of course, now I have a migraine, so balance has again been restored. I'm off to eat lemon bars, write lesson plans, and comb out my long green fur. Here, Max...errr, Casey!

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