Festive Hoose!
2004-12-19 8:58 p.m.

Yesterday, the Samurai put up his very first outside Christmas lights. We bought cheap swag lights at Tar-zhay, and they look festive, but cheesy. They don't hang right. The Samurai is bummed. He has light envy. All of our neighbors have serious light displays, most of them less than tasteful, but quite spirited. Our neighborhood features some of the most lurid overuse of wattage in Virginia. Our little swags are nothing, really. The Samurai dreams of next year's wondrous display.

Last night, we went to our church's annual art show/wine and cheese party. Yes, our church likes to do highfalutin', non-church-y stuff. It was nice, especially after the Samurai toured all of the adjacent neighborhoods to drool over people's light displays.

Today after church, we came home and raked the yard, cleaned the gutters, and made our outside look less like a shack. Big improvement! Got a pine bough up on the door, so we're looking vaguely festive.

Emptied more boxes tonight, too. Now I have lesson plans to do. Gonna make the monkey darlings do sentence diagrams until Thursday. Heh heh.

Weather guys are talkng SNOW for tonight! Better get out my chicken pajamas and dance!

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