2004-06-12 2:49 p.m.

FINALLY, this silly server is letting me update! I've been trying, really I have, but D-land just wasn't interested in my ramblings until now.

I have finally knuckled under and purchased a gold membership (after MUCH arguing with PayPal),so look for more EduCational rantings soon, plus a new look, courtesy of the BookGirl.

What have I been doing lately? A conversation with my Samurai sums it up nicely.

See, he was late getting home from school one recent afternoon. "We had a faculty meeting." he moaned.

"Were there games and prizes? Balloons? Clowns?" I asked, knowing that teachers do not stay after school in June without perks.

"Um, the clowns were the ones that called the meeting." he replied.

Yes, dear reader, the clowns are firmly in charge of America's public schools. I work for Bozo. In the past two weeks, I gave SOL tests, which meant that I read the SAME set of directions, including the word "Directions," FOUR times, as scripted. I could tell you what else the directions said, but I'd have to kill you. As it is, the Killer Klowns are probably after me, for divulging that the directions include the word "directions." You'd never have figured that out on your own, now, would you?

So, I survived SOLs, and my teen monkey students decided school was OVER. No more WORK. Boy, were they ever shocked when I hit them with two weeks of Shakespeare! Bwaaahahaha!

Last weekend, we broke up our clown-directed job activities with a visit from the Samurai's wonderful brother, the Pilot, and a trip to the Blackbeard Festival with Velella and her hubby, Tiller. We had a lovely time, and Tiller's photos of our fun have now inspired me to lose ninety-eleven pounds. I am a cow!

If the thunderstorms ever let up, I'll take Casey for a walk. Poor doggie. He's terrorized nightly by flashy lights in the sky. He quakes like Jello, and sticks to me.

His other big fear is being photographed. The Pilot, astonished by the enormity of our dog (he heard the "Border collie" part, but somehow missed the "Akita") tried to take Casey's picture. All it took was the simple act of holding the tiny digital camera, and, ZIP! Casey was trying (unsuccessfully) to hide behind me, doing the Jello Jiggle. Poor baby. I'll just have to settle for describing him to people as the love child of a wolf and a panda.

Only four more days of school!

Tonight: I finally get to see Harry Potter 3. I will miss Blooeye the entire time.

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