Cryptic Week
2004-04-20 11:42 p.m.

Where HAS the time gone? Herein follows a quick recap of my utterly fab adventures of late.


THURSDAY: Bought big pile o'comics. Went to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Whew. Bizarre. Tried to eat at pseudo-trendy mall eatery; got dissed by snippy little host-person. Had talk with host. Used Power Eyes. Nearly made host cry. Had talk with manager. Left and ate somewhere else. Unsatisfactory.

FRIDAY: Dunno what I did Friday. Oh, yeah; bought and watched "Kill Bill Vol. I." Ewwww. Yuck.

SATURDAY: Samurai off doing martial artsy stuff. Got hair cut, in kicky layers. Feeling modern for a change. Went shopping, Laid waste to lingerie dept. (22 bras I tried on, before I found a comfy one! Jeez!) Bought many cute clothes. Feeling good. Joined Samurai for dojo people party; saw friends, listened to fightin' talk. Much like a post-revel. Had fun. Caught friends looking down blouse.

SUNDAY: Did mindless, boring domestic tasks. Sent Samurai to see "Kill Bill Vol. II" with friends. Will wait for cable version.

MONDAY: Resumed school. Kids tired. EduCait tired. Discovered that a favorite former student has married my protege-sister. Cooool. He's going to Iraq for 18 months. Not cool.He's a seriously sweet guy with a badass-motherflipper streak who likes to blow stuff up. More cool.

TUESDAY: Shopped for baby brudda's birthday. Allowed Samurai into Best Buy alone. Now proud owners of Clan of the Cave Bear and American Yakuza, plus lots of Johnny Cash. Resolve to purchase electronic monitoring device for Samurai's ankle.

Now, must go do lesson plans. Will have kiddos doing posters diagramming proverbs, and playing sentence rummy, for rest of week. Poor kidlets.

Note to self: update more often!

On de Headbone: The Best of the Art of Noise (so, the Samurai didn't go totally sideways at Best Buy)

Just finished reading: Living Dead in Dallas and Club Dead, Charlaine Harris. Oddly hypnotic, these Sookie Stackhouse books.

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