Crack Monkey Day Trip
2004-02-29 6:38 p.m.

So, the crack-monkey duo of Educait and the Minivan Samurai did a day-trip to the Plas Mawr Housewarming yesterday.

Left the Sofa Pretending To Be A Dog with B'Bear, and took off for the Great Metropolis that is NoVaMd.

Passed many buddies on the Beltway: FoxPhotog, all pointy driving intensity; BookGirl and family; and finally, because we HEARD him before we saw him, Kevin on his awesome motorsiccle, with an awful cute bike bunny riding behind him. Mr. Of Thornbury makes a great biker guy. It's the beard, along with the cool leather gear.

Anyhoo, Taffy and Tootsie have a lovely hoose, and fairly radiate contentment with their lot. The party was great fun, and I got to see many long-missed friends. I'm getting accustomed to seeing my beloved Squotter and Mongolherder girls more often. I don't tell them enough, but I am in awe of both of them. They are truly amazing women.

We arrived home around 3:30 AM, then poor Samurai-guy had to get up at 7 and go to an all-day aikido clinic. I've still got papers to grade, for my power-mad boss peoples. Ick!

Off to eat Chinese takeout and brush the Sofa.

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