2004-01-25 12:44 p.m.

I've been dancing around in my chicken pajamas, hoping to attract snow. Yes, I own pale blue flannel jammies, covered with little bright yellow chickies. They are doing fun chickie activities--listening to tiny chickie walkmans (walkmen?),riding chickie scooters while wearing eggshell helmets, modeling stylish chickie bandannas, and doing little scratchy-feet ollies on little chickie skateboards. (Why, yes, I do love my chicken jammies.However could you tell?) Anyway, the Chickie Snow Dance has worked before. I need it to work now! I want Monday off!

Why? Because I have SEWING to do!

Yesterday, Blackbear, Vlad, Evja, and the Samurai convinced me to blow off my adult responsibilities and go to Ice Castle, after all. It feels like the right thing to do, really--I haven't seen some of these folks in fifteen years, and I miss 'em. So, I'm going. As an added bonus, I get to ride in a van full of people I like. Then, I get to sleep with them!

Only problem is: Samurai's old (eighteen years!) fighting britches are a-bustin'. He needs new hakama, too. B-bear's collar is messed up. And Gramma ain't happy with her own garb. Yeah, I could wear stuff I already have, but where would the fun be in that?

So, I'm dancing in my chickie pajamas, hoping for snow.

Wonder if I own a recording of the Chicken Dance?

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