2003-03-26 9:10 p.m.

Today I was given a new chair at work.

Okay, I can tell you're underwhelmed, but for sixteen years, I've been sitting on a cheesy plastic cafeteria chair with wheels. Mine sports a very ugly sunflower cushion as well, because even though I am a well-padded woman, it sucks to have flat-butt syndrome after sitting on the plastic torture chair for hours on end.

Our new chairs are real live honest-to-Pete office chairs. Upholstered in rich, deep blue, with arms on 'em. Adjustable, even.

Professional chairs!

Now, in a pink-collar career like mine, where we yammer endlessly about wanting to be treated like "real" professionals, things like chairs matter. We should have felt valued, gratified, and respected.

Our faculty's reaction?

We'd rather have had the price of the damn chair given to us as a bonus. Oh, yeah, and we still want Saturday off.

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